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Surgical Drape
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Code No:GRMNW9075B-1

Supplier:GRM Medical

GRMNW9075B-1 is universal surgical drape for various procedures, it consist of three material, drape top side is blue PE film, bottom side is nonwoven fabric,and there is set a double side adhesive tape in each four corner. 

Code No:GRMNW150100G

Supplier:GRM Medical

GRMNW150100G is a large general surgical drape,it consist of two layer material, top side is blue PE film, bottom side is Nonwoven fabric, usually is used in complicated procedures as a cover or a table sheet. 

Code No:GRMNW7575G

Supplier:GRM Medical

GRMNW7575G is a medial  size general surgical drape,it consist of two layer material, top side is green PE film, bottom side is Nonwoven fabric. And it is usually be applied to complicated operations as a component. 

Code No:GRMNW7575G

Supplier:GRM Medical

The products code is GRMNW7575G, a surgical flat drape, with size 75cm x 75cm, and there is a double site adhesive tape on oen edge of the sheet, which can be adhere to nearby the vulnus during the procedure. The drape color, size, gram is welcome to customize. 

Code Co:GRMNW9075B-2

Supplier:GRM Medical

GRMNW9075B-2, a surgical flat drape, with size 90cm x 75cm, and there is a double site adhesive tape on oen edge of the sheet, which can be adhere to nearby the vulnus during the procedure.

Code No:GRMNWH7050B

Supplier:GRM Medical

GRMNWH7050B, also is universal surgical procedure drape. Specially, there is a split from drape edge to center which convenient to cover on patient's body.

Code No:GRMNWH10075B

Supplier:GRM Medical

During the surgical operation, Aperture drape covers over the patient, and the wound is exposed through the aperture of the drape. and surgery doctor operates through the hole. Aperture Drape 10075B, with small circle aperture size 5.5cm, but large drape size,  aslo is one of our general surgical drape. it usually is applied to various mini-procedurel which need large area cover.

Code No:GRMNWH10075G-1

Supplier:GRM Medical

Aperture Drape 10075G-1, with small circle aperture size 5cm, but large drape size,  aslo is one of our general surgical drape. it usually is applied to various mini-procedurel which need large area cover. The product color, gram, size is welcome to customize. And ethylene oxide is available.